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These scorpions are dreaded in Arizona. Many people get them in their homes and rely on pest control companies to get rid of them. While many companies can't guarantee to get rid of scorpions we do. Scorpions like to hide in the cracks of brick walls, in expansion joints, and any dark place they can find. They are nocturnal pests although occasionally they come out in the day to grab a snack. These pests have spiracles that they breath in on their underside. By dusting walls scorpions breath in the pesticide and die. Often times surface residual pesticides don't work with scorpions because some have a high repellency or are incapable to enter their hard shell bodies. Scorpions need to ingest chemical or breath in chemical in order for it to work. Scorpions enter through the home often times through exhaust vents in bathrooms and wash rooms from the outside because they are not screened off. You can take window screening and put it over the vents as to keep them from coming through. They also enter through the cracks of doors. Scorpions can squeeze down paper thin to fit through tight crevices. Their favorite food source are crickets in Arizona. If your infested with crickets chances are there is a bark scorpion around somewhere! These pests can also glow in the dark when a black light is shined on them. Its really cool to go after these guys at night! Call us today at 520-424-5244 to find out how we can eliminate your scorpion problem! Visit Our Site Email Us
Scorpion's bite is very dangerous and is very painful. I don’t know how to avoid them. After reading your blog I've got the methods of controlling them. Thanks for the blog about Scorpion Pest Control Scottsdale AZ